Fiber Knit Sport Traveler Mask is environmentally friendly, breathable, and has no lens atomization, now it can be used for holiday travel-EIN Presswire

2021-11-25 10:28:03 By : Ms. Nancy Guo

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Available in sizes from small for children/teenagers to medium and large for adults. There are many colors to choose from. Two styles: sports mask with a single adjustable shoulder strap around the head. The air mask is characterized by a strap behind each ear.

Each package includes: a fiber knitted sports mask, 30 three-layer air filters and a rigid 3D performance filter holder to help prevent noise or suction.

Traveler's mask: environmental protection, reusable, anti-fog, breathable, ergonomic-bid farewell to travel-related complaints about wearing masks.

Environmentally friendly, reusable, anti-fog glasses, breathable, ergonomic, and comfortable Goodbye silencer mask. Including: mask, 3-layer air filter, 3-D filter holder.

Adrienne Lenhoff Buzzphoria Public Relations 1 248-366-0388 Email us here

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